Colombian Adventures: Santa Marta + Tayrona


After falling head-over-heels in love with Cartagena, I immediately found another contender for my affections: Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona. Located about 150 miles up the coast from Cartagena, Tayrona National Park is a 58 sq. mile nature reserve filled with tropical beaches, coastal mountains, mangrove swamps, and forest. It’s a backpacker haven offering hammocks on the beach or tents for accommodation. We were not set up for backpacking as we had our laptops and too much luggage (we were headed to Bogota and MedellĂ­n for a week-long International Business course after we finished up on the coast) and while there are a few eco lodges situated within the park, they were a bit out of our price range. That pretty much dictated our decision to stay in nearby Santa Marta and do a day trip to the park, instead of a multi-day adventure within the park. Continue reading

A Quick Trip to London and the End of the Dogs’ Edinburgh Adventure


The first half of the second semester of the MBA flew by, filled to the brim with classes, projects, nights out, and weekends away. Our second semester was broken into two halves: 2a and 2b. 2a was structured like any normal semester, with a more normal amount of classes this time (5), albeit smushed into a much shorter time frame, which meant class times and days were long. 2b however was slightly different, with blocks of elective courses that didn’t all overlap. We all had to sign up for two classes during this second block with the option to audit additional courses. Once 2b was complete, all that was left of the MBA was to complete our dissertations over the summer. Continue reading

The One Where Friends Come to Visit and We Take a Trip to Stirling

Right after we got back from Paris, we had some visitors. My friend Jenny and her sister were on a tour of the UK and had worked their way north to Edinburgh. Jenny and her family came to Edinburgh right after we moved here, but back then we were still getting our bearings. This time, I felt like I was much more prepared to show them the best of the city.

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